ISSUE #46                               



“Coach & Athlete: General Training Tips”






1)       Nutrition does not need to be complex. Make sure you eat 3 balanced meals each day and 2-3 nutritional snacks. Eating breakfast and post-training are the 2 most important times to get energy. Eat a variety of foods and try to limit your fast food intake, especially on game days.


2)       Nutrition – Athletes must consume a proper meal post-game, practice, or workout. This means carbohydrate, protein, and a little fat, plus water for hydration. Athletes must replace the energy and fluids used in activity and also need to prevent muscle breakdown. The meal does not have to be complex, just make sure to get some healthy food and fluids as soon as possible to prepare for future games and workouts.


3)       Nutrition – Carbohydrates are the fuel for your activity. That means a moderate amount of fruit, breads, pasta, and vegetables should be included at every meal. Choose cereals and toast for breakfast, sandwiches and pizza for lunch, and baked potatoes with dinner. Carbohydrate fluids are very important during and after workouts and games.


4)       Nutrition – Athletes lose a great deal of water through sweat during training and competition. It is very important to replace that water as soon as possible during events. That’s right, don’t wait till after the final buzzer because dehydration can cause a decrease in strength and speed. Train to drink fluids during games and practices. It is very important to get a little bit of water every 15 minutes, especially in the heat.



1)       Leg strength – Almost all sports require leg strength for sprinting, balance, and power. Do not get hooked on upper body training only! The legs are the keys for speed and endurance, so training should start there. There are so many leg exercises to choose from, just ask a qualified trainer to show you how. Finally, do not feel that you need to train to the point of soreness with each leg workout. Progress gradually in the amount of weight you use on each exercise and the number of exercises you perform each workout, and your strength will increase greatly within a short time.


2)       Core strength – After leg strength, core strength is the most important area for athlete improvement. The core is composed of the abdominal area and the low back muscles. This area needs to be strong to support twisting movements, to help in balance during contact sports, and in throwing movements.


3)       Upper body – Contrary to popular belief, the upper body strength of most athletes is not overly important. The weight that athletes can bench press often does not correspond to the athlete’s vertical jump or sprint speed. Although upper body strength is important in some sports, it is probably not as important as lower body strength. Therefore, upper body strength training should not compose the majority of an athlete’s training program.


4)       Upper body pushing strength – Pushing strength involves the muscles of the chest, shoulder and arms, but it is not important to train all these areas in isolation. The best exercises for pushing strength are barbell and dumbbell presses.


5)       Upper body pulling strength – Pulling strength is found in the biceps and back muscles. Learn to do pull-ups, pulldowns, and rowing exercises to develop these muscles. 



1)       Injuries – The best advice for sport injuries is to see a physician. Unless your coach or personal trainer is also a doctor, they will just not understand the full extent of your injury. So if things hurt more or longer than usual, see a Dr. to get the proper help and prescription for rehabilitation.


2)       Injuries – A strength coach’s best ally in stopping injury is prevention. Athletes must strengthen the area around the possible injury spots. For example, most athletes will be at risk of knee injuries, so the muscles of the legs must be strengthened. Examine your sport, where do injuries occur most? After you have concluded what joints and muscles are at risk, have a personal trainer or strength coach show you the proper exercises to strengthen that area.


3)       Injuries – Should an injury occur, treat it with respect. Rest the area. Immediately apply ice to an injury but do not put heat on it until the swelling has subsided. Wrap the injury and elevate it, if that is possible. Again, if you are not sure how bad the injury is, see a doctor.


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