CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. Training Report - www.cbathletics.com
ISSUE #112
1 - How to Train Young Athletes
You can make young athletes stronger, faster, and more powerful with no equipment and without spending a dime. Here's your chance to hear CB of CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. describe the proper use of bodyweight strength training for young athletes.
Here's a direct link to the free interview:
Note: You will need Windows Media Player Version 8 or higher to listen to this audio. You can download a free player at:
Thanks to Chris Scarborough of www.trainingyoungathletes.com for the interview.
"Just wanted to let you know how well your Turbulence Training has worked for me. I started getting back in the gym just before Christmas and decided to try your training program (especially the interval training). Along with a change in my eating habits it has helped me to lose about 12 pounds while increasing my strength (back to a reasonable level). Soccer has started and I feel great. I am in the best shape I have been in since university ended."
- Andrew S., user of the Turbulence Training workouts from The Executive Lifestyle Manual. The Executive Lifestyle Manual is available at www.workoutmanuals.com.
2 - Welcome to The Executive Lifestyle Manual
By improving your health and fitness, you can have more energy to devote to your work and business, and more importantly, more energy to dedicate to your family. The benefits of health and fitness are undeniable; sharper mental focus, improved mental and physical endurance, enhanced self-confidence, and impressive changes in your appearance are just a few of the well-known effects of a good training program.
The "Executive Lifestyle Manual" is a guideline for any man or woman that values their health, wealth, and future but doesn't know where to start. The first thing to know is that your workouts don't need to last an hour and half each day to be worthwhile. You can achieve great results by training for only 60 minutes three times per week!
As Mark Verstegan says in book Core Performance , "Pay now, or pay later." Experts know that consistent training, rather than extreme bouts of training followed by lengthy periods of inactivity, will offer you improved strength, body composition, flexibility, balance, and energy. You must look at your health as a strategic investment in the future…and you're making a wise investment in the Executive Lifestyle Manual. This will pay off and give you a healthier today and tomorrow.
With the Executive Lifestyle Manual, your workouts will be more efficient, saving you time and money. You'll be able to reduce your workout time by up to 2 hours per week when compared to traditional, inefficient training programs, and you'll feel better and have more energy within days. The Executive Lifestyle Manual will decrease your stress levels, increase your mental focus and endurance, enhance your self-confidence, and drastically improve your appearance - all in record time!
According to Alwyn Cosgrove, CSCS, "with sound attention to diet, and following the proper guidelines (i.e. not relying on aerobic training), 99% of all clients will make amazing progress with three one hour TOTAL training sessions each week. That's 3 hours out of 168 or less than 1.8% of your week." That's good news for your bottom line.
Society now knows that a sedentary lifestyle fueled by fast food will lead to chronic health problems, lost work time, reduced productivity, and a decrease in quality time spent with family. In contrast, *research has shown that a corporate lifestyle management program can result in dramatic health improvements such as:
Decreased bodyweight = -5.5 lbs.
Decreased systolic blood pressure = -17 mmHg
Decreased total cholesterol = -28 mg/dl
Decreased LDL cholesterol = -16 mg/dl
Decreased triglycerides = -45 mg/dl
Decreased fasting blood glucose = -26 mg/dl
*Arabatzis, K., et al. Clinical Effectiveness and reproducibility of a corporate lifestyle management and cardiovascular disease risk reduction program. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 34: s93, 2002.
It's time to take action. Armed with the knowledge in this manual, you have the opportunity to improve your health, fitness, and energy level. Your first step is to review your current lifestyle and get your physician's approval to begin a new lifestyle. After that, you can gradually and consistently improve your daily activity and eating patterns. Changes in your energy and well-being will be immediate.
As you progress with the Executive Lifestyle Manual, your new lifestyle will become habit, and your old lifestyle a distant memory. On a daily basis, you'll notice improved performance and the benefits of a balanced lifestyle. If you choose, your workouts can become more challenging and you'll soon regain physical strength and endurance that you haven't enjoyed in years. And at the same time, you should consider taking advantage of massage therapy, consistent stretching, and proper post-workout nutrition, to optimize your recovery, regeneration, and daily renewal.
The Executive Lifestyle Manual is available at www.workoutmanuals.com.
3 - Catalyst Training for Sport Performance
John Williams knows a thing or two about the art of physical preparation. A certified strength and conditioning specialist, he works with a varied clientele that includes athletes involved in such sports as football, wrestling, martial arts, basketball, Olympic weightlifting and bodybuilding. He has had great success working with female athletes particularly in the areas of speed development, strength enhancement and injury prevention.
In addition to his hands on work, John has also served as a consultant to numerous athletic organizations. John is also a featured contributor to several nationally recognized publications and internet websites such as Sportsspecific.com, Charlie Francis.com, Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Physical and Pure Power magazines. You can learn more about John at spectrumconditioningsystems.com (516 767-1718).
Cbathletics.com: John, you've developed a training system that you call Catalyst Training. What is Catalyst Training all about?
John Williams:
Catalyst training is something that came about out of necessity. I needed a system of radically improving relative strength within a reasonably short period of time without abandoning the speed and power components which are needed in sport. The essence of Catalyst Training is the manipulation of the central nervous system. This is done by cycling training sessions where hyper-excitation of the nervous system using very near maximal weights and explosive movements with regeneration and active recovery protocols.
CB: How do you apply Catalyst Training to an athlete, let's say a hockey player that is looking to get faster and improve their agility?
This scenario is actually what it was designed for. The explosive nature of hockey combined with the need for endurance makes catalyst training an excellent choice.
Speed is often regulated by strength and in utilizing heavily loaded 85-95% 1RM explosive movements like the hang pull combined in the same set with a moderately loaded 1/4 range front squat 50-70% with heel raise. This allows me to target the explosive strength needs in the posterior chain and simultaneously build a strength-endurance component in the quads and calves.
In training session #2 we'll focus on upper body work. Then in session #3 we can then throw in high rep* bodyweight squats combined with core work and flexibility work to target the hip flexors, psoas and the ITB all of which are usually chronically tight in hockey players.
* High rep: 3 minute continuous squatting drill to thigh parallel position using a 211 tempo.
CB: How would the lower body workout look when using Catalyst Training for hockey performance?
Great question Craig, I will illustrate what I call my Loathe and X-plode.
Day 1 lower body program for an athlete in-season may look like this:
After a thorough warm up:
A1: 90° Barbell back squat hold with 100% 1RM @ 2-5-1 tempo no rest
A2: Hang snatch with ˝ the athlete's bodyweight 1x8 @ X-3-X tempo
A3: Dumbbell low box (18-20in.) depth jumps to 45° into a squat jump (Emphasizing height of jump) 1x10 @ X-1-X
Rest 3 minutes then repeat the cluster 2 more times adding 2 reps to each movement.
This program will force neural drive through the roof, increase capillary density and improve recruitment of fast twitch fibers and maintain strength/power levels. The most important aspect is it can be done in 30 minutes or less and will leave time for flexibility, regeneration, and rest, all of which are critical to player in-season.
And now John's interview with www.grrlAthlete.com
grrlAthlete.com: John, what is your approach to sport training to improve performance in a female soccer or lacrosse athlete?
In approaching the female soccer/lacrosse player I would typically address any structural issues, such as knee and ankle stability, core strength and functionality, shoulder girdle integrity (more important for the lacrosse player).
After having addressed those issues I would then look to improve lower body strength/power output, by incorporating movements like the unilateral deadlift jump with a two footed landing.
First from a 1/4 squat position and then progressing to a thigh parallel position, coaching total limb involvement from the hip complex down to the foot. It's fairly obvious how the hip complex is incorporated but your readers may be wondering how the foot ankle complex is maximized. This is done by coaching an aggressive heel raise and toe point on the eccentric phase of the jump.
I like this as a foundation movement because when significant improvement in height/velocity is seen, then you can use light to moderate external loading such as adding a medicine ball, to move it to the next level. As your readers may or may not realize most times in sport you will be called upon to accelerate, explode or change direction while on one leg.
I will combine foundation movements like this with some agility, flexibility and change of direction drills, to complete the package.
GA: With respect to this athlete's speed-agility workout, what do you do for a warm-up?
Next would come the foundation strength work with explosive or loaded core work (using moderate medicine balls) cycled in. Third the agility work. Fourth the strength work for the upper body combined with the stabilization core work. Fifth the speed-endurance work (if appropriate) followed by static flexibility work.
GA: Thanks John.
The information on cbathletics.com is for
education purposes only. It is not medical advice and is
not intended to replace the advice or attention of health-care
professionals. Consult your physician before beginning or
making changes in your diet or exercise program, for diagnosis
and treatment of illness and injuries, and for advice regarding
CB Athletic Consulting Inc.