- "A Better Body-Composition Routine for Females"
- "Injury Treatment"
- "Nutrition for Weight Gain"



This program is for females that are searching for that "beach-body" with a minimal time commitment. The program takes only three 1-hour sessions per week uses the basic (BUT/ effective) resistance-training exercises. The exercises are general and emphasize the recruitment of a large amount of muscle mass.

Exercise substitutions are permissible if there is a priority area the individual wants to strengthen, BUT/ remember: fat can not be lost exclusively in 1 particular area, you and I both know that fat loss occurs over the entire body OR not at all. You will also have to make dietary changes, but that requires a more individualized approach.

Program principles:

* 1 day of rest must be scheduled between resistance-training sessions BUT/ the individual can do "cardio" [I hate that word] on back-to-back days if desired.

* It is most "time-efficient" to begin the workout with "cardio" as it provides a pre-resistance-training warm-up, BUT/ it can also be done at the end of the session (either method is effective).

* The "cardio/aerobic activity" should be 20- to 30-minutes (maximum) of an enjoyable activity.

* If the intensity of "cardio" is increased, the duration can be shortened. Running is probably the most effective activity for weight loss.

* I question the efficiency of aerobics classes. I believe you can easily get the same benefits in a third of the time through running, BUT/ if the individual likes them, I do not discourage participation (most importantly, find something you LIKE to do).

* Running in combination with a resistance-training program is the optimal prescription for a better body composition (BUT/ only run if you have no orthopedic problems).

* Remember that only resistance training will increase muscle mass (increasing the muscle mass will increase the resting metabolic rate), therefore more energy will be used (at rest & in exercise).

* The result of this program will be a better-looking body than through a program of excessive aerobic activity  (for example: distance runners - the excessive aerobic exercise results in an extremely skinny body type)

DAY 1                                                                  

~20-minutes of "cardio"

Circuit-training with a lower body emphasis and a goal of 12 repetitions per exercise.

The circuit eliminates wasteful rest time between sets and may help use a little more energy (remember, the client was not worried about developing maximal strength which may be compromised by the lack of rest between sets). Move directly to the next exercise. Go through the circuit as many times as desired OR as long as time allows (start with one circuit for untrained individuals because it is hard! & then progress to meet the individuals work capacity)

Wide-stance leg press

(one machine to work all the leg muscles -- including the adductors/inner thigh - eliminating the need for that stupid leg adductor machine)

Leg curl (basic exercise)

Lunges (alternate between legs)

Chest press

(this exercise also trains the triceps and shoulders & therefore an efficient exercise)

Wide-grip seated row

(works the often neglected upper back -- this will help posture, especially if the individual spends a lot of time at a computer OR desk at work)

 (keep the elbows up and out to the side, emphasize bringing the shoulder blades together throughout the movement)

Ab and low back work

(10-minutes maximum every other day)

: time is better off spent on exercising larger muscle groups or "cardio"

: everyone has abs, BUT/ for most people it is covered by extra "insulation"

: "ab crunches" do not burn a lot of energy, BUT/ activities using a lot of muscle

& resistance exercise builds muscle tissue to increase metabolism, & will help

 shed extra energy stores (fat)

DAY 2                                                            

Same cardio

Circuit of 15 reps (a lighter weight is required)

Squat: trains the majority of the lower body

Chest press: your choice (dumbbells are tough for beginners, machines are very effective)

Pulldown: always to the front (use a variety of grips - wide, reverse, OR narrow)


Shoulder press: dumbbell OR machine        


Cable lateral raise (cables are more effective than dumbbells for this exercise)

Abs and low-back

DAY 3   (Friday??)                                         

Cardio: for variety, incorporate intervals (hard activity followed by periods of a lower intensity - this may increase metabolism and may help make the time go by a little quicker)

Straight set weight training (2-3 sets at 10 reps). The "Ten repetition" prescription is geared towards gaining strength.

Wide-stance leg press


Calf raise

Incline chest press (trains the chest, shoulders, and tri's for a 3-in-1 exercise)

Seated row

Abs and low-back


Circuit ( _sets x 12reps)  Circuit ( _ sets x 15) 2-3 sets x 10 reps
Wide-stance leg press Squat Wide-stance leg press
Hamstring curl   Chest press Lunges
Lunges   Reverse-grip pulldown Calf raises
Chest press  Lunges Incline chest press
Wide-grip seated row Shoulder press Seated row
Abs & low-back  Abs & low-back  Abs & low back


It is very frustrating when after a sufficient warm-up and stretching activities that we still may get injured during sport. Sometimes, regardless of our best preventative efforts, injuries occur. So, when a sprain (ligaments, i.e. a sprained ankle) or strain (muscle tear) occurs, be prepared to treat it in the most effective manner. Always give an injury respect because if not cared for properly the tissue may be more severely injured, OR may require an extended healing period, OR may remain at a greater risk of re-injury during future activity. 

Immediately after the injury occurs apply some ice to the area. This is simple, basic advice, BUT it is surprising how many individuals do not do this. Do whatever you can to cool the area for 20-minute intervals, separated by 20-minute rests from ice application. For how long should you do this? Well, as long as there is swelling and heat in that area, ice will probably help (usually ~48-72 hours after injury). 

Other beneficial modes to reduce trauma include compression and elevation of the area. Gently wrap the area and raise it to help drain the area of excess fluid. One way to cool and compress the area is to wrap a very cold and wet tensor bandage around the injury.  DO NOT wrap suspected broken bones! (Go directly to the hospital). 

DO NOT drink alcohol after injury! Although this may help "cope" with the pain, alcohol is a potent vasodilator (opens up blood vessels). This is the exact opposite effect we are trying to get by using ice and compression! We want to reduce blood flow to the injury and fluid build-up in the area. Also, sometimes alcohol can dull the pain so much that we may forget there is an injury! So if you have a knee injury, try to keep the alcohol-induced dancing to a minimum.

Our acute response to the injury will help reduce swelling and damage and over the long-term will reduce the amount of scar tissue that will form. Consider this, a week off from activity now in combination with proper injury treatment may prevent weeks OR months of lost activity time in the future. After ~3 days of our trauma-reduction treatment of the injury, we can now begin the rehabilitation process.

Sprains - Gently begin to mobilize the joint. Do not begin with weight bearing activities BUT do try to move it through a full range of motion. Only activate the joint through a PAIN-FREE range of motion. From here, we can gently progress pain-free weight-bearing exercise.

Strains - Gently begin to stretch the muscle, BUT/ remember the injury was a tear in the muscle, so be very cautious. Exercise can be added to strengthen the muscle so long as the exercise is pain-free.



Who has trouble gaining weight? Well, surprisingly there are individuals who are training to increase muscle mass that have a difficulty in adding the desired weight. These individuals have a fast metabolism and need a combination of good nutrition, a proper training schedule, and adequate rest. Theoretically, muscle can be added at any time by combining a proper resistance-training program + an additional 250-500 quality calories each day + sufficient rest (sleep and recovery days from training).

Gains will and should be slow and gradual (0.5-1.0 kg/week). By gaining weight at a moderate pace, you ensure that the majority of weight is lean tissue and not fat. Find a professional to design a resistance-training program tailored for muscular gains and also have the trainer provide a body composition assessment (determine body fat now and after ~6-weeks of training).

Emphasize a high-calorie, high-protein, moderate-carbohydrate, and low fat (20-30% daily caloric intake) diet. Eat frequently (breakfast, regular meals, and snacks - every 2-3 hours) and consume adequate water (at least 10 cups/day). For those with a fast metabolism and hard time gaining weight, emphasize calorie dense foods such as pizza, yogurt, cereals, nuts, and granola, and drink high-energy fluids (juice and milkshakes).

If you are not hungry, drink something (juice OR milk). Again, do not exclude the rest component. The training program should not be too frequent that you overtrain. The body needs to recover from the high-intensity exercise and have a chance to grow. Most individuals make the mistake of increasing training frequency when they are having trouble making gains, BUT/ often it should be the other way around. Decrease training frequency, increase rest, have a high training intensity, and eat properly.  This should lay the foundation so we can later raise the roof!

CB Athletic Consulting, Inc.
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