-“Basketball & Interval Conditioning"
-“The Stiff-legged Deadlift”

-“Nutrition: Lunch Options”





The requirements of basketball include short “all-out” bursts of speed, quick changes in direction, a variety of movement patterns, and repeated jumping. The development of the “core” (abdominal and low back) is essential because a powerful trunk (strong core musculature) contributes to all aspects of basketball performance. Specific movement patterns also require training, such as sprinting, shuffling, jumping, and backward running.



Strength development is scheduled in different phases to result in various adaptations. First, general training is implemented to build a base of strength, to introduce the athlete to resistance training movements, and to initiate the athlete to delayed-onset muscle soreness. For the more experienced player, this phase will be of short duration. Train the low back and abdominal muscles 2 times per week.


Strength training should then shift to emphasize the development of lean body mass and maximal strength. The repetition range of these workouts should be 6-10 to promote both muscle growth and strength development. Multi-joint movements such as squats, bench press, and rows are advised because of the great amount of muscle mass that is trained.


As the season approaches, players with sufficient lifting experience may want to incorporate Olympic lifts as a possible manner to increase explosiveness (i.e. acceleration and vertical jumping). A competent instructor is necessary to teach and supervise these lifts.


With respect to metabolic conditioning, the off-season focus is on the development of general aerobic fitness. The anaerobic metabolic system is conditioned closer to the beginning of the season (during the pre-season training phase). General endurance/aerobic training can be performed 2-3x’s/week (30 minutes per session) at a moderate intensity to develop this general fitness. Excessive endurance training is contraindicated because it may promote a loss of explosiveness and power.


Continuous court drills performed at a moderate intensity OR continuous pick-up games may enjoyable activities used to elicit this adaptation. However, structured training will be more effective at eliciting the desired training effect. Plyometrics and speed-agility training can begin after a base of strength and fitness has been developed. A combined plyometrics and speed-agility workout may take the place of a leg workout as pre-season training approaches.



      Players should incorporate some basketball skill training into their overall program. Plyometric and speed-agility training sessions should be performed 2-3 times per week. These types of training require non-fatigued athletes and should proceed all high stress training such as lifting and conditioning energy systems. Train the basketball-specific anaerobic energy pathway twice per week in the off-season. The intensity of this training is high and these drills will result in moderate discomfort levels because lactate is produced.




: Run OR cycle 20 seconds at 90% of maximal intensity

                                : Rest 60 seconds

                                : Repeat 4 times

                                : Rest 3 minutes

                                : Sprint 30 seconds at 90% of maximal


                                : Rest 60 seconds

                                : Repeat 2 times



      Perform a small amount of anaerobic work. Speed-agility work can be performed prior to practices. Plyometrics may be eliminated from heavy game and practice schedules. Lifting should continue at a low volume and high intensity. 





-          Muscles trained

: spinal erectors (low-back), gluteus maximus, hamstrings


-          Positioning

: squat behind the bar and take a shoulder-width (or wider) grip

: an “alternate” OR pronated grip can be used

: keep the back flat and hold the shoulder blades together


-          Ascent

: extend the hips to stand erect

: keep the knees stationary yet slightly flexed

: maintain extended elbows throughout the entire movement

: keep the bar close to the body at all times

: exhale as you stand erect


-          Descent

: slightly flex knees and keep back flat

: flex the hips and torso forward and lower the bar slowly and under control

: flex hips and knees until the plates reach the floor, the back begins to round, or

  the heels raise off the floor

: keep the bar close to the body throughout and always control the bar

: inhale





Plan lunches based on the foods available at your work OR training venue. When you have options, choose: whole-wheat, lean meat, baked not fried, and limit high-fat meats (hot dogs, sausage, etc.), processed carbohydrates, needless high-fat items (French fries, ice cream, etc), and “large-sized” fast-food combos. Remember to drink water as well with this and every other meal.



      2 lean meat sandwiches on whole-wheat + vegetables + yogurt + low-fat cookies

      2 slices of cheese/vegetable thick-crust pizza + protein shake + fruit

      Whole-wheat lean meat sub + fruit + milk

      Chicken breast + vegetables + low-fat ice cream + fruit

      Kraft dinner + vegetables + hamburger + spaghetti sauce




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